Turkey’s Middle Democracy Issues and How to Solve Them

My book named Turkey’s Middle Democracy Issues and How to Solve Them: Judiciary, Accountability and Fair Representation”, published in May 2018, is a comprehensive proposal for reform. It outlines the ingrained problems causing Turkey to fall into the ‘Middle Democracy’ trap whilst also developing proposals for reform from the viewpoint of a lawyer.

As all of the problems outlined in my book are indeed reflections of the failures of the rule of law, I could easily also name this book Problems of the Rule of Law in Turkey: Judiciary, Accountability and Justice in Representation and Ways of Solution”.

The book draws attention to the fact that Turkey’s democracy problems are rooted in a lack of accountability in the judiciary and the rule of law in justice and representation. It describes solutions such as re-establishing accountability in public administration and contains examples of how this can be done.

I am proud of the adoption of the executive summary of this book as a report by TÜRKONFED, the representative of the Turkish Business and Entrepreneurship World, comprised of non-governmental organisations. I am grateful to have the chance to take this first step towards the resolution of Turkey’s existing problems by their side.

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