Quality in Judicial Services and Elements of Quality

The fundamental goal of this report is to outline a clear objective for judicial reform and to establish consensus and agreement on that objective, because no initiative without a certainly formulated objective will have a chance of success. I wrote this article as a result of my studies during my presidential term at the Judicial Reform Working Group of TÜSİAD. The reform of the judiciary will only be successful to the extent that its objective is determined and described clearly and social consensus is reached.

Just as in all other service sectors, the judicial services must also take into account the requirements and demands of society. Indeed, an organisation which fails to produce goods or services meeting and satisfying the wishes and demands of its customers will not survive. What will ensure ‘client’ satisfaction should be determined not by the service provider, but by the service recipient.

This report is a document from members of the business world affected by the judicial services and puts forward the factors determining quality in that particular service. It was adopted as a TÜSİAD document and made public in 2014 and has also been fully adopted by the Better Justice Association.

You can retrieve its full text from [here]…

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