A Different Eid Prayer

May Eid al-Fitr, which we also call the Candy Feast, be as sweet as honey and may good wishes come true. May our crops be abundant, our tables rich, and people healthy, peaceful, happy and hopeful. May our families, our homes and our state be perfect, may our country and our people prosper, and may every day be like a feast.

Let us build a perfect state architecture with our judicial, legislative and executive powers and strengthen it with the foundation of law and justice. Let us be strong and prosperous, let us have confidence in ourselves, and let us inspire confidence in those around us.

Whoever we are, politician or not, in order to build the perfect state architecture, let us put aside our personal and political interests, prejudices and taboos, and create a perfect structure. Let us know that we will earn more personally when we work for the benefit of society.

First and foremost, let us make the judiciary fully independent and impartial, with members who are mature, knowledgeable, experienced and competent, who ensure the rule of law by providing quality service to society, who respect the law to the highest degree, and who inspire confidence in the public, rulers and the world.

For a holiday like a feast

May our judiciary first and foremost restrain politicians, executives who use the enormous state power, and all public officials to act within the law while they govern the state, prevent abuses, strengthen political morality, and make politics a place of service to the people, not a place for gaining personal benefits.

May the judiciary ensure stability in state governance by ensuring that officials obey the law even if politicians give directives against law, morality, justice and the public interest, and may the functioning of the state not be adversely affected even if politicians fail to form governments or governments are overthrown.

May the election thresholds be reduced to 1%, and may everyone living in this country be represented in the Türkiye Grand National Assembly (TGNA), even those with marginal and contradictory views. May delegate and block list elections be banned, party administrations be determined by the party grassroots, and the oligarchy of leader and central administration in political parties be brought to an end.

May the political parties have seats in the TGNA in proportion to the number of votes they receive in elections. May the party with 30% of the votes not artificially become the majority in the TGNA but rather be required to get the support and consensus of other parties, and above all may the government be stable.

Let there be a feast in public administration

May there be constitutional institutions representing the overwhelming majority of society on issues such as national security, foreign policy, monetary policy, education, religion and the media, and may there be no more back and forth, no more swinging left and right, only stability and predictability.

May the problem of forming and maintaining a government be solved permanently through wisdom, logic and negotiation in accordance with the realities of Türkiye, where the government cannot be easily overthrown. May a new government be set up if necessary without a vacuum of governance. May the government be subject to effective control by parliament and the judiciary.

May the days be gone when we ask at every moment what is happening in the state, politics and the judiciary, what has happened to the currency, how much inflation has risen, whether we should believe the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) or the Inflation Research Group (ENAG), and what will happen tomorrow. May the good days come when we can foresee where we will be 10–20 years later and concentrate on our own work.

May our lives be filled with days full of friendship and affection, where we find peace of mind, where our hearts are full of love, where we can solve our problems by ourselves with pleasant discussions.

May health, happiness and prosperity be with us.

Happy Eid al-Fitr.



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