Turkish Judicial Reform A to Z

In order to bring forward a radical solution to Turkey’s judicial problems, we have sought to design a system: (i) that focuses on working efficiently, producing a high-quality service; (ii) with a lean structure in line with the requirements of management science; (iii) with full transparency in all processes and decisions; (iv) that is fully accountable and in which all transactions and decisions are subject to judicial review; and (v) which society as a whole and any individual who wishes to is able to participate in and supervise. The designs and drafts we have formulated are not intended to restructure the Council of Judges and Prosecutors, which is a judiciary council in the classical sense; rather, they encompass the entire broad spectrum of the judicial system, from courts to judicial procedures and judicial professions, from professional organizations to a new court providing judicial review, with a regulatory body at its center.

The fundamental idea is to ensure that the judicial organization produces a high-quality service.
Hence, we have envisaged a regulatory authority at the center of service production and designed the authority by considering the issues that it would regulate. We have resolved the questions of the transparency and accountability of the system, which includes service units and producers, and of judicial review of all processes and decisions by establishing a court that will ensure these elements. The system we have designed has three pillars, each of which is fully independent: (i) a regulatory institution; (ii) professions that produce services and their organizations; and (iii) a specialized court to ensure judicial review, i.e. the Supreme Court of Justice.

We have purposely avoided adapting to Turkey’s requirements a solution developed by another society for its own needs, as many have done before. Working with a young team, we have created a new and completely original design that brings forward radical and permanent solutions to problems. Through the subsequent examination of international experience, we are confident that our solutions are healthy, well established and fit for purpose.

Daha İyi Yargı Derneği’nden A’dan Z’ye Türk Yargı Reformu için 9 Çözüm Önerisi

Türkiye’nin Orta Demokrasi Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolu” isimli önceki yayınımızda belirlediğimiz yargı sorununu temelinden çözmek amacıyla geliştirdiğimiz ve “A’dan Z’ye Türk Yargı Reformu” adıyla kitaplaştırmış olduğumuz yenilikçi çözüm önerilerimizi kilit 9 ana başlık halinde kamuoyuna sunmaktan gurur duyarız.

A’dan Z’ye Türk Yargı Reformu Yönetici Özeti

Yargının yürütme ve yasama güçlerinden tam anlamıyla ayrılmasını sağlayan yenilikçi önerilerimizin dünya üzerinde bütün yargı güçlerini ve demokrasileri geliştirme kapasitesi taşıdığına inanıyoruz. Kamuoyunu ve tüm paydaşları aşağıda sıraladığımız yenilikçi çözümleri tartışmaya, geliştirmeye ve üzerinde mutabakat oluşturmaya davet ediyoruz.

A’dan Z’ye Türk Yargı Reformu Tüm Rapor

Bu eseri üzerinde geniş bir tartışma ile geliştirmek arzusu ile eş zamanlı olarak Türkiye’de ve dünya çapında kamuoyunun dikkatine sunmaktan gurur ve mutluluk duyuyoruz. 

Bu konuya ilgi duyan herkesin önerilerin tamamı veya bir kısmı hakkında eleştirilerini, fikir ve önerilerini paylaşmasını, böylelikle bu önemli konuda çözüme küçük ya da büyük katkıda bulunmasını diliyoruz.

Webinar Series​

Turkish Judicial Reform A to Z
Webinar Series

In this webinar series, we are joined by leading scholars in corresponding fields from prestigious universities to discuss the matters related to our proposals.

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